Parish Council
Parish and town councils are the lowest level in the British governmental structure and closely represent the interests of local communities. The Parish Council is an essential part of the structure of local democracy and has a vital role in acting on behalf of the community it represents.
The basic powers of parish councils are governed mostly from the Local Government Act 1974 and a variety of amendments and other Acts and Regulations specifying their various powers (rights to undertake functions) and duties (requirements to undertake functions), for example the Highways Act 1980, ss.47, 96, 116; Highways Act 1980, s.130; Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, s.72; Litter Act 1983, ss.5, 6; Public Health Act 1875, s.164; Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890 s.44; Open Spaces Act 1906, ss.9, 10; Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, s.19; Public Health Act 1961, s.54.
A more detailed list can be found here.
What is the role of the parish council?
Fen Ditton Parish Council:
- gives views, on behalf of the community, on planning applications and other proposals that affect the parish
- undertakes projects and schemes that benefit local residents
- works in partnership with other bodies to achieve benefits for the parish
- alerts relevant authorities to problems that arise or work that needs to be undertaken
- helps the other tiers of local government keep in touch with their local communities.
As Sole Trustee of the Fen Ditton Recreation Ground Trust, a registered charity that provides recreational facilities for the village, the Parish Council maintains and manages the Recreation Ground and Pavilion.
Who are we?
- Councillors are elected by the residents every four years.
- The Parish is made up of two wards, Marleigh (East RA2) and the area from High Ditch Road to the River Cam and up to Horningsea (West RA1).
- For more information on your Councillors and which ward they represent, please click here.
When we meet
- Meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of every month, with the possible exception of August.
- For more details on the dates, times and venue of Council meetings, please click here.